
Coontie Plant Height and Gender Density

Growing in the Shade compared to in the Sun

Research Question

What affect does growing in the shade compared to growing in the sun have on Hight and on gender density?

Data Collection

Data was collected at New College of Florida infront of the Academic Center. The height and gender of 20 Coontie plants growing in the sun and 20 Coontie plants growing in the shade were collected. The plants were measured by height from the base of the plant to the tallest point of the plant (to the leaf tip). Total population size of 40.


Explanatory – Sun and Shade dwelling plants

Response – Hight of the plant and the density of each Gender in the given area


Figure 1

Height frequency of plants that grow in the sun and in the shade. Sample size includes 20 Shade and 20 sun dwelling plants for a total of 40 plants.

The histogram shows that the plants that grew in an environment with more sun had a higher frequency of plants that were taller. Plants that grew in a more shaded environment did not have as high of a frequency of taller plants.

Histogram of each group

Figure 2

Height frequency in plants that grow in the Sun. Sample size of 20 plants.

Figure 3

Height frequency in plants that grow in the Shade. Sample size of 20 plants.

Figure 4

Height frequency of Male plants growing in the Sun. Sample size of 8 plants.

Figure 5

Height frequency of Female plants growing in the Sun. Sample size of 12 plants.

Figure 6

Height frequency of Male plants growing in the Shade. Sample size of 10 plants.

Figure 7

Height frequency of Female plants growing in the Shade. Sample size of 10 plants.

Boxplot of the two groups

Figure 8

Height with sun based on plant Gender. Sample size of 20 plants

Figure 9

Height with shade based on plant Gender. Sample size of 20 plants.

Stripchart of the two groups

Figure 10

Height with sun based on plant Gender. Sample size of 20 plants.

Figure 11

Height with shade based on plant Gender. Sample size of 20 plants.

Dot-Error-bar Plot of Means +/- SE of the two groups

Figure 12

Height with sun based on plant Gender. Sample size of 20 plants.

Figure 13

Height with shade based on plant Gender. Sample size of 20 plants.

Median, Quartiles, IQR, Mean, and SD

Table 1

Median, Spread of Data (IQR), Mean and Standard Deviation (SD) of both Sun and Shade dwelling plants

Table 2

Quartiles of plant heights growing in the sun compared to in a shady environment.


In conclusion, it seems that the plants that grow in the sun seem to have a higher frequency of taller plants. In regard to gender, there seems to be an even distribution of Male (18) and Female (22). Female plants seem to have a higher density than males in the sun based on the data but could be proven to be different with a larger sample size. The data also shows that the Male plants have a higher frequency of taller plants in the Sun, while Female plants have a higher frequency of taller plants in the Shade.


Collected Infront of the Academic Center at New College of Florida

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